Thursday, September 8, 2011

[] Take Care of Your Body


Good Morning.
Human beings are the most marvelous creation of God, which is a union of  three main constituents- Body- Soul and Spirit. Body is the visible entity and soul and spirit are the non-visible entities. Soul is the realm in which human relationships are processed and spirit is the area where the relationship with God is maintained. Both these are supported and protected by the body. The co-existence of Body, Soul and Spirit is very complex and is very difficult to differentiate its duties.
Body is the outer shell of a person. Our eyes can only see the body and we recognize each person by the difference in the shape. If the shape and features were same, the life would have been so horrible and miserable.
Some people are very health conscious but some are beauty conscious. We should have a balanced approach towards this, because both are equally important. Our body should be healthy to carry out all functions in association with the soul and spirit. All the three 'persons' in a person should be strong enough for a life which is pleasing to God.
Bible says that, our body is the temple of God. "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God...... Therefore honor God with your body."- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him, for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple".... 1 Corinthians 3:16.
Both the above verses emphasize the importance of our body. As the Holy Spirit lives in our body, we should always maintain it as holy. Any kind of defiling of the body is regarded as destroying it and God will punish that person. In this defiling action, soul and spirit join together and both becomes unclean. A person who is engaged in adultery and other sinful acts are making the spirit's abode unclean. We should refrain from all such activities which can bring any kind of damage to our body. Smoking, drinking and other habits of drugs etc. are to be avoided as these can defile and damage this divine temple.
Besides, we need to maintain this temple with utmost care. Necessary food and cleanliness are essentials to our body. Proper medication at times of sickness and measures to prevent sickness are also important. We need to discipline our body in such a way that it functions in order and will not desire to have any unwanted intakes. A diabetic patient should control the food and do exercise and a person having high cholesterol should avoid fatty foods. Whenever our body needs rest, we should give it.
Dear friends, we should not neglect the wellness of our body as it is the divine temple in which the spirit of God dwells. Let us try to keep it holy and healthy.
God bless you.
With love and regards,

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