Thursday, September 15, 2011

[] A Study: Hanuman's Audit Objection


After completion of Lanka war, Hanumanji was enjoying his well earned annual leave with his vaanar friends. One fine day he got a voice mail on Aakashvani from CDA requesting him to send his TD claim - dues related to his tour for bringing Sanjivani Booti for Laxmanji etc for Lanka Operations before 31st March . He ignored the first voice mail.
But after 3 - 4 reminders in two days' time & receiving a reminder from CDA through his adjutant Angad , he had to at last go to Ayodhya cancelling his leave and submit the TA/DA claims
He submitted the TA/ DA Bill, bills of Sushen Vaidya, hospital charges incurred for Bharatji when he met with an accident during his travel, flight tickets and boarding passes of Garud airlines from Lanka to Sannjeevni mountain and back to get the Booti for Laxman , rental charges for horse to find the booti in forest, cost of Sanjeevani Booti for Laxmanji, coolie charges etc .
(1) Where is your Temporary Duty sanction ? Who authorised your move ? Asked the desk officer of CDA . Hanumanji didn't have any move sanction.He explained to the desk officer that seeing the emergency-grave condition of Laxman who had become unconscious,he (Hanuman) had moved on his own initiative and to save time he decided to fly to Sanjeevani mountain by air through Garud airlines. Somehow Hanumanji got the ex-post facto sanction by requesting the concerned official Bali 2 - 3 times as Bali's brother Sugreev was Hanuman's coursemate at the academy.
(2) Hanumanji had claimed T.A. bill for air travel .But his claim was passed only for rates applicable for hiring a horse. And all other expenses on medical,Sanjeevani Booti, consultation charge fee of Sushen Vaidya for his examining Laxman and conduct of blood and urine tests, ECG, ultra sound and X-Ray etc of Laxman bhrata were not reimbursed.
When he asked for the reasons, he was told that :-
(a) As per his designation, he is entitled to travel by horse only.
(b) He can not get refund claim for other things as he does not have the bills. And he did not have the minimum three quotations for Sanjeevani Booti.
Saddened by these strong audit objections , Hanumanji went to General Shri Rama and explained to him about the deduction on his claim. Hearing this, Ramji ordered the related CDA official to pass the air travel and other charges as claimed by Hanumanji. The officer came back with TR,FR and the latest TA/DA rule books published after the 6th Pay Commisssion and told Shri Ramji "Sir,these rules have been made by your father Dasharathji. If you want to overrule your father, I don't have any problems.". Pitrabhakt Ramji became speechless.
So he thought for another way to compensate Hanuman. He called him and gave him the claimed amount in cash from his pocket. But how could Hanuman take cash from Ramji ?
Hanumanji said "Sir,how can I take money from you for treating Laxmanji ? Laxmanji is as reverred to me as you are".
But in his heart of hearts, Hanumanji cursed himself as to why he listened to the accounts fellow, cut short his leave , completed all the formalities & put the TA/DA claim and placed Shri Ram in such an awkward position .
Hanumanji , a sincere soldier that he was , kept doing his work with the same sincerity and dedication which he had prior to Lanka Operation, even after this incident also.
Now you see, Hanuman was almost a God and he was perhaps born to serve Ram. But for us mortals, there is a different lesson and that is -
"Don't do anything without proper sanctions, whatever may be the urgency or importance of the job" .
At the most Laxmanji will die - nothing more will happen.
- Past  is good only for drawing lessons and nothing else.

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