Monday, September 12, 2011

[] Beautiful Examples of Flower Photography..


Beautiful Photos of Flowers..A committee is organic rather than mechanical in its nature: it is not a structure but a plant. It takes root and grows, it flowers, wilts, and dies, scattering the seed from which other committees will bloom in their turn.

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Lilies are mentioned in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament, they symbolize chastity and virtue. In both the Christian and pagan traditions, the lily is a fertility symbol. In Greek marriage ceremonies the bride wears a crown of lilies and wheat purity and abundance. Lilies are also a symbol of death, and at one time lilies were placed on the graves of children.

Summer Light

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Lotus flower rises above the water and is usually white or pink with 15 or more oval, spreading petals, and a peculiar, flat seedcase at its centerThe Lotus flower has for thousands of years symbolized spiritual enlightenment. Indeed, this flower essences purpose is to accelerate spiritual evolvement and enhance healing on every level within the system..

Yellow Rose

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The Yellow Rose is 200,000 acres of cattle, oil and Texas pride.. The Yellow Rose also boasts a cast as outsized and impressive as its home state.he soft silky feel of a fresh rose petal evokes tenderness; the fragrant scent of a fresh spring rose brings refreshment; the vibrant colors of red, pink, peach, purple, orange, yellow, and white roses remind us of the dazzling beauty of creation; and getting pricked by a thorn causes pain. Roses are a reflection of life

Flight of the Bumblebee Fun & Info @

Flight of the Bumblebee is anorchestralinterludewritten byNikolai Rimsky-Korsakovfor hisoperaThe Tale of Tsar Saltan, composed in 18991900.Although in the opera the Swan-Bird sings during the first part of the Flight, her vocal line ismelodicallyuninvolved and easily omitted; this feature, combined with the fact that the number decisively closes the scene, made easy extraction as an orchestral concerto piece possible.

Bent Beauty

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SunFlowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into.People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us.

Bathed in the sun Fun & Info @

These flowers always turn towards the sun. They originated in Central and South America, and were grown for their usefulness, not their beauty. In 1532 Francisco Pizarro reported seeing the natives of the Inca Empire in Peru worshipping a giant sunflower. In can priestesses wore large sunflower disks made of gold on their garments.

fire in the fields

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MY LOVE OF FLOWERS, and beauty Fun & Info @ Keralites.netOrchidoriginates from Greece, whereorchis, meanstesticle. Some orchids are calledladiesfingers,ladiestresses, orlongpurples. Greek women thought that if the father of their unborn child ate large, new tubers, the baby would be a boy. If the mother ate small tubers, they would give birth to a baby girl.

Datura II

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Over a thousand years ago, Tulips grew wild in Persia, and near Kabul the GreatMogul Baber counted thirty-three different species. The word tulip is thought to be a corruption of the Turkish word for turbans. Persian poets sang its praises, and their artists drew and painted it so often, that all of Europe considered the tulip to be the symbol of the Ottoman Empire.

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In Blue . . .

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Radially . . .

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Flowers whisper Beauty! to the world, even as they fade, wilt, fall.

Midnight Blue

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Midnight blue Flowers start blooming early and keep going til late fall,then add a mounding/trailing habit and unique, yellow-throated blooms. The result is a new series that fills hanging baskets and containers with masses of color, and its wonderful as a groundcover in shady areas. Heat and shade tolerant plants have snapdragon-like flowers all season; low maintenance.


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Each flower is a soul blossoming out to nature.A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it.

Blue Butterfly

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A beautiful blue butterfly complimenting white sunflower..

When it all blows over Fun & Info @

Drops in drops

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Three in a row reflecting the beautiful image of the pink African daisy..

Do i look big? spring flower and colour Orange Poppy flower (Pavot orange)Fun & Info @

A orange poppy flower is touching the sky in the click

Crocus Bokeh

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This photo is included in Natural Neighbourhood Capturing Colour Photo Challenge

Three and One

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Three African daisy flower ..


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The calendula is a member of the marigold family, and was traditionally valued as an herb, rather than its bright yellow blossoms. The Romans used Calendula mixed with vinegar to season their meat and salad dishes. Calendula blossoms in wine were purported to soothe indigestion, and the petals were used in ointments that cured skin irritations, jaundice, sore eyes, and toothaches.


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The blue Flowers

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A bunch of beautiful pink n yellow flowers..

Boter Flowers

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Where the wild flowers grow

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Blue Flowers

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Yellow Rose

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Yellow roses indicate friendship and freedom so dont send them if your intentions are romantic and long-lasting. Yellow roses are also appropriate for sending congratulations to newlyweds, graduates, Texans, and new mothers

French marygold

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TheFrench marigold(Tagetes patula) is aspeciesin thedaisy family(Asteraceae). In spite of its name, it is native to South America.The flower is anannual, growing to 0.5m by 0.3m. It is in flower from July to October, and the seeds ripen in September. The flowers arehermaphrodite(having both male and female organs) and arepollinatedbyinsects. They are noted for attracting wildlife. The leaves of the marigold are coated with oily glands that produce a pungent scent.

Stapelia flavopurpurea flower

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Stapeliaare low, perennial succulents. The stems, their surface and branching make them immediately recognizable. The stems are almost always erect and are usually uniformly green to reddish, depending on the extent of exposure to the sun. Only rarely are they mottled with red or purple on green.Known globally as African starfish flowers or locally as carrion flowers, members of the genusStapeliaare usually characterized by their foul-smelling flowers reminiscent of the odour of rotting meat. The hairs, coloration and surface mimic decaying animal matter and attract mostly flies, which act as pollinators. The strong carrion scent is sometimes recognizable at a great distance, especially on hot afternoons.


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Pink plum blossom

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Blossoms are either pink or white depending on the species or variety.Peach(including nectarine) blossoms, mostcherryblossoms, and somealmondblossoms are usually pink.Plumblossoms,appleblossoms, orange blossoms, somecherryblossoms, and mostalmondblossoms are white.Blossoms providepollentopollinatorssuch as bees, and initiate cross-pollination necessary for the trees to reproduce by producing fruit.

Lavender boug

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The word lavender indicates its historical use in cosmetics and toiletry because the Latin word lavo means to wash. The ancient Greeks and Romans were heavy users of Lavender so the sweet fragrance and appeal of this plant is obviously not a recent discovery.
And as there is no secret to the name of the plant, there are no secrets to the successful culture of this perennial herb.

Orange flower II

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A flower with abeautifulcolour combination of orange n blue.

A lovely flower

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Blue Bird of Paradise

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Giantspecimens of bird of paradise plants are often grown in containers outside resort hotels in coastalGeorgia, and the containers can be moved inside during the winter.

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