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Dear Biju / Prasad, It was nice of you to have highlighted these points.
But, it just goes on to say that either you have read the bible in a hurry without grasping the true meaning behind it or you dint ask for a guidance to interpret these words.
I was in your state of mind when i read the bible thinking how can Jesus be so cruel in his words and actions.But then, I was sensible to discuss it with a true and knowledgeable follower of Christ who very patiently did listen to all my doubts and accusations and trust me, He gave an answer for all my doubts and that is when i had an insight into the sacred bible and its true meaning.I can answer all of these highlighted points but then as i told you, i just learned things and i don't wanna tell u anything half baked.
I would request anyone form this forum to address these points or i request you to talk this out with a good christian. And finally, every religious books have good and bad in it. It was all written based on the circumstances and situations at that point of time which have been interpreted many times by humans and hence might have lost the complete essence of the true meaning.One should not be biased in their approach towards any religion. Understand the religion completely, ask doubts to the right people (it could be an eye opener for both of you).
You wont believe this...I was spiritual, as in, reading religious books, etc trying to understand "Does GOD exist?"And being a Hindu, wanted to learn about the other religions and their interpretation of GOD.
I spoke to many Muslim friends and argued (in a healthy way) about their teachings intheir holy book, but till day i have not come across anyone who has answered me properly rather they ended up fighting with me.And understanding the need for silence, i always used to walk away.What i got to know was that they blindly followed what their religion says, never questioning as to why it is so.And hence their true knowledge on their religion was minimal (I refer to those people whom i spoke to).
And i spoke to a few of my christian friends about Bible and christ, though many were not able to answer all the Questions, they were very polite in accepting the fact that they dint know the answer but a few of them did get back with the answer later.And as i said earlier, there was only 1 guy who answered all my Questions with absolutely no remorse or irritation. That was when i understood the true spirit of Christianity and started reading the bible with lot more understanding.
I hope you would also have an enlightenment and open Ur eyes towards the goodness in all religions.
Dear Christo
Good day And God bless
Sorry to say this, But Even after so many rounds of mails, There has been no response or reply towhat Prasad / Biju has highlighted.Everyone has been talking about religion etc trying to convince them about old testament and so on. And even praying on their behalf. But, only if anyone of you had addressed their doubts and clarified that, this discussion wouldhave gone on a much healthier note.As you said "the ultimate thing which every religion teaches us is to love...religion is man made, but LOVE IS ETERNAL....with LOVE COMES PEACE.....& if there is PEACE, there won't be any violence & selfish thoughts....& if there is no violence & selfish thoughts....there won't be any sin.....but when this love is lost, selfish thoughts emerged & violence increased, peace was lost and everybody started doing sins....then the Lord send his Beloved Son Jesus Christ to protect us...."
Now if you look at all the issues globally, the violence, cold wars, etc., the root cause is religion.
So does that mean no one has understood their religion or does it mean that Jesus Christ did not protect us?As i said, Jesus did die for the humans. But, that was to show his love for the humans and he wanted each and everyone to understand that and to follow show love towards everyone, even their enemies.
What Jesus did was selfless and this kind of actions can only be seen by a mother giving away her life to rescue her child.
The mother does that out of her love for her child and to save her child.It is upon the child to understand the true love of the mother and to share it with his/her children.The same way, Jesus showed his love for the people. But, has anyone understood this love or shared it with anyone.
I can barely name a few who has been selfless and lived for others like "Mother Teresa". For her, everyone was her child and she cared for everyone no matter who, or where, or what condition they were in.Instead of talking of religion, if everyone of us could live by our holy books, following the true spirit of it, That itself would propagate love and Jesus would have achieved what he wanted and his sacrifice would hold a meaning.
And now, regarding the clash between Islam and Christianity...I am sorry. I apologise for using the word clash.I dint mean clash but a discrepancy. And yes, that topic does not arise here.I am sorry to bring it up.
Finally, "God exists or not" is an individuals understanding of the evolution and his/her own interpretation of life and his quest for enlightenment"All the religion and the religious books say only 1 thing..."Love everyone as you love yourself"
And I don't know how many of you will understand me here...By what i have understood in my quest,God is within everyone...It is how you bring out the goodness and love in you, God exhibits himself in your form to others...And my quest still continues...
I regret if my words have hurt any ones feelings.It was absolutely Unintentional.I apologise for my follies in my previous mails and this, if any.
pramodh ![]()
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