Dear Mr. Gafoor,
I do not agree with your assumptions. If no one is there to sponsor the criminal gangs, do you think they can continue with that 'job'? I do not think. So the biggest culprit here is the motivator who is misquoted as 'motivator', but the first hand criminal who wants to take illegal advantage out of hurting someone. And he uses the tools called goons and that is all. Here the first rate crime is done by the 'motivator' and the tools comes second and both of them together make a crime or murder or amputation.
regards, John
--- On Tue, 2/1/11, Gafoor Yogi <> wrote:
From: Gafoor Yogi <> Subject: Re: [] Question of the hour. To: Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 4:21 AM
Dear Manoj, Thank you for sharing your view on this matter. Yet, I must contradict some of your statements that might mitigate the "Gunda/Quotation" culture existing in Kerala. To me, committing a crime is more serious and more punishable than motivating, not that the motivators are good; they are equally bad or even worse (what I think may be immaterial where the law is concerned). In your mail you said "I mean, by a killing a person, these quotation teams may get 1 or 2 lacks Rs, but the real man, who given this quotation may benefit millions". Dear Manoj, can we justify the professional killers just because they do not get as much as their hirers do? The monitory benefit they (both killers and motivators) get out of killing an innocent shouldn't be the yardstick to measure the severity of the crime. Also, I don't understand what you were trying to imply by saying "If you start removing 'Cancer' from kerala society, you may have to kill 95% of our population". Do you really mean to say that 95% of Keralites are criminals?? Appalling statistics!! So falsified!!!! In the real story of your friend from Malappuram, you exemplified to show the ineffectiveness of Saudi Judiciary, on what ground can you say that your friend is innocent and Saudi National is the guilty? It's just because he is your friend? Or he is a Malayali? Even if he is innocent in this case, can we justify his attempt to cover this incident by not reporting to the police on time? Being nonchalant to a situation like this seems to be OK to you. Is it because the victim was a Sudani? Your friend shouldn't have sped off leaving that Sudani lady to die in that deserted road with nobody around. Perhaps, had he informed the police neglecting the words of the Saudi man, she would have been alive today and your friend would never have been in Jail. Dear Manoj, I do respect your love and support towards Keralites but, at the same, we just can't ignore other peoples from different countries as well as other states of India. All human beings are equal; all have the right to live a peaceful life on the earth. I sympathize with (y)our friend. If he is your friend, he's my friend too. I applaud your suggestion of training the children to love, care and share and making them aware of the human values since their very childhood. I really appreciate your time and effort. Love you, Gafoooooooooo……………………..r On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 11:36 AM, Manoj Mathew <> wrote: Dear Gafoor,
Good question. But the answer...
We are here blaming gundas and quotation teams for the criminal activities in our society. But did any time we were tried to find out the real man behind any such activities? I mean, by a killing a person, these quotation teams may get 1 or 2 lacks Rs, but the real man, who given this quotation may benefit millions. If we dig more, that man may be a 'good man' like you or me from our high class society. But he always having good influence to hide his name from everything. If you start removing 'Cancer' from kerala society, you may have to kill 95% of our population. This is not irresponsible statement. Where the antisocial element starts? It is in our home. We are developing a selfish generation from our homes. Always asking our kids to BE NUMBER ONE in every where. Don't care others, no commitment to society, just mind your own business. This 'poisoning' in childhood turned our kids to selfish machines, which leading abandoning parents from home, joining criminal activities, corruption etc. If you notice, these gundas and quotation teams are consisting of lot of professional degree holders from decent families. so if we are not ready to change our mentality, let us face this situation again and again. If you set your antenna towards the countries - some Middle East countries, now you can find how people responding to their rulers in street now. And if you are talking about gulf countries, I do agree with you, the murder rate is less compare to India. What about rape cases and molestations ? I don't want to elaborate it, but one word, more than 90% girls are not safe even in there home.But complaints are less. You can check these with many organizations data collections. I don't know where you are now, if you are in a gulf country, you can see the SLAVERY SYSTEM that many of us saw in films or read in books. No law is protecting anybody or punishing anybody, except for few cases. I will tell you a real story before wind up this writing. One of my friend from malappuram district was driving from madina to jeddah. This was happened a few years back, on a almost lonely road. On his way, he saw a Saudi driver while over taking him, hit a Sudanese lady and both stopped the car. That lady already dead and the Saudi asked him not inform anybody, let them go. Saudi left him and he continued his journey. While he arrived in Jeddah check post, he was arrested for killing a lady on his way. On a latter inquiry, it was found that the Saudi driver himself went to the police station and informed that an Indian man hit that lady with all his car details. He was punished and there is no way to prove his case as the system is like that. You may tell that this is a odd case, but being in social works for a long time, I personally know lot of such cases and there is no door to prove your innocence. I am not justifying the judicial proceedings in India and the way cases are investing. The law is good enough. The main problem is that, the system is totally corrupted now. You and me are responsible for it. If one a case is registering against anybody, then we will try to defend him, if he is from our family, our religion, our church, our area, our state, our party....etc. When we stops these type supports and consider criminals as criminals, then antisocial activities will come down. Recently Hai'a chief of Saudi told punishment is not remedy to eradicate crimes, but awareness and counseling is best method to cut down it.
Thanks & Regards ![]()
From: Gafoor Yogi <> To: Keralites <> Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2011 14:25:24 Subject: [] Question of the hour. Dear Friends, Almost every day, we get the news of murders and instances of rape in Kerala, India in general; let's concentrate in our state first. It's high time we should think as to why the murder cases in our state/country are increasing day by day. Should this condition persist, Kerala will become the most lawless state in the country very soon and so will India be branded at international level. Analyzing the root-cause of such criminal activities, it occurs to me that our jurisprudence is not prudent enough to see the psychological abnormality of the criminals who are well aware of the fact that after committing a heinous crime of any degree, they can walk free out of court having been subjected to only a nominal punishment, as our teachers did in our school days; a light spanking on the butt, giving the criminals an impression that our judiciary is there to safeguard them all the time and it's quite safe to execute some other crime of brutal nature. If you set your antenna towards the countries - some Middle East and Far East countries - where the punitive measures are carried out in strict sense, the crime-rate is comparatively less in number. I can't understand why some people think the "eye for an eye" is barbaric. By setting a single murderer free, the jurisdiction jeopardizes tens of other innocent lives. Punishing a murderer (for pre-meditated murders) with capital punishment will, to a great extent, curtail the incidents in our country too. As far as capital punishment is concerned our country is hypocritically reluctant just to show to the international community that we are great in humanity. How do the law-makers of my country uphold the so called humanity at expanse of other innocent people? Why can't they realize that any amount of leniency towards wrong-doers simply causes more and more crimes in our country? If the judiciary is there to pave way for criminals to roam fearlessly brandishing their weapons in the public, the very purpose of it is questionable. Borrowing the words of some of our members, let's say that these criminals also like cancer to our society. God forbid! When we have any morbid growth on any part our body, we, though unwillingly, get that part removed lest the rest of the body should be affected. In the same way, the anti-social aliments such as Gundas, Professional Killers (VADAKA KOLAYALIES) and whoever kill recklessly are cancerous part of our society that need to be amputated for a healthy living of the society. That is humanity; that is, or rather, that should be the jurisprudence!! Only a single sentence of death penalty can bring considerable change in our society. With Love, Gafooooooooo.....................r
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