I think it is not Renjit who is trying for attention, but Benny Mammen . Please mind your business . That is how businesses advertise . If their service was great , people will call them . This type of advertisement has one great advantage . With their name visible , they will give their best.
I also suggest Mr. MAMMEN taking some management course. But I dont blame you . This is the dirty character we all Malayalis posess . Trying to put the stick wherever we can.
Have a good day.
Vandhana Shiva
--- On Tue, 28/12/10, BOBBY DEVASIA <bobbydeva@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: BOBBY DEVASIA <bobbydeva@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: [www.keralites.net] Mobile Mortury Of Leader !!!! To: "Keralites" <Keralites@YahooGroups.com> Received: Tuesday, 28 December, 2010, 9:04 AM
Hello all, There r thousands of issues in our state and our country and this is not at all a topic for a heated discussion. If half of this rage was shown on some serious issues regarding the country, there should have been some hope for a better future. Sorry if I offended anybody... Regards Bobby
From: Manoj Mathew <manoj_adoor001975@yahoo.com> To: Keralites@YahooGroups.com Sent: Mon, December 27, 2010 2:17:17 PM Subject: Fw: [www.keralites.net] Mobile Mortury Of Leader !!!! I also noticed the same, it was a shameful act. Why somebody should take advantage on a paid service in a unacceptable manner. If we brought a car or shirt from shop, if they start to paste a big sticker on it?? Come forward to stop this bad practice Thanks & Regards  ----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Benny M <aconic53@gmail.com> To: Keralites <Keralites@YahooGroups.com> Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2010 8:13:21 Subject: [www.keralites.net] Mobile Mortury Of Leader !!!! Dear Friends... Since the body of leader brought to the mobile mortuary, We were seeing that advertisement of that owner of Mortuary..." RENJITH " and his phone # same size that box !! What is this ?? feel very shameful. Leader Karunakaren's body is that. Feel like it is RENJITH. Horrible. Any situation, any where, malayali making for his alone. In any situation, he alone want to show himself or to gain maximum from the situation or position or whatever out come. When this will stop, that time, our place become nice place. They can write in small letter, somewhere on the corner of that box. NOT such a big letter on four side. All microphones using on Podium for any speech, sound system name is showing very big on the stand. This is not a free service. Paying for the sound. What right he or that co. having to take advantage of that situation ??? Please - Dear Kerala friends.. this we can simply stop this practice. I have written this to ASIA NET studio also. Hope some thing will come out. Benny Mammen. Abu Dhabi.
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