Hi Friends,
The constitution is for the betterment of the people of India.If constitution fails to curb corruption,these types of movements are best to eradicate
corruption from our society to a lower level and is for the best interest of Indians.
Our society is corrupted and that is why we need steps to curb corruption.
We can not allow this to go on.
Anna movement is for whom.It is to benefit Indians from the corrupt people .
We are not loosing anything by supporting this movement and ultimately we will be the one to benefit from this strike.
If the corruption goes on in this level forget about India to become a super power.
So Friends,Let us take the first step towards curbing the corruption by joining Anna movement against corruption and not to bring barriers for this
movement by raising questions about the Parliamentary system.Parliament could not solve the issue of corruption even after these many decades.
This is a historic chance again we are getting for our next generations betterment.
Think and support the movement of Anna.
From: Sabu m k <mk_sabu71@yahoo.com>
To: Keralites@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, 13 August 2011 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: [www.keralites.net] Anna Hazares message to the Nation for 15th and 16th August.
Hi Friends It is correct something is better than nothing.Actually he movement corruption is required. The Leaders corrupt because of the majority of people corrupt. Not the polititions alone corrupt but mejority of the system are corrupt.Anna is misusing the power of fasting to make trouble to the elected parliment by insisting to do something as per his wish. It is good or bad is different thing. As per the constitution the parliament only have the previlage to form a law and the supreme courts have the power and right to protect the constitution.The questions raised by Mr.Abraham P C is valid and is to be properly answered.Whether we want democracy rule or rule by some experts (who claim so).We have previous experience, if the lokpal a super power, then corrected who look after?
--- On Fri, 8/12/11, lalitha ajithkumar <lalithaajithkumar@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
From: lalitha ajithkumar <lalithaajithkumar@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: Re: [www.keralites.net] Anna Hazares message to the Nation for 15th and 16th August.
To: "Keralites@yahoogroups.com" <Keralites@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Friday, August 12, 2011, 7:56 PMHi Friends,Let us use this historic chance to Pass the Lok Pal Bill or else We will never get a chance for it in Future.It is unfortunate that most of us are not even thinking about this Anna movement.After all what the Bill is asking only for accountability.Lok Pal has power and it is time bounded to finish the investigation and Punishment in it's present nature.So this Bill will be more effective that any other bill to curb corruption to a low level.Friends, Let us all try to Pass the Bill without loosing this Great chance.Hoping for a Better India.RegardsAjith
From: ICS MENON <ics_menon@yahoo.com>
To: Keralites <Keralites@YahooGroups.com>
Sent: Friday, 12 August 2011 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: [www.keralites.net] Anna Hazares message to the Nation for 15th and 16th August.it is very difficult to implement because all are born selfish. everybody even anna hazare will become corrupt if given a govt. powerful position.karl marx after completion of his das capital, remarked that comminism can not be implemented because all are born selfish'. communists flourished in kerala and bengal and both the states are ruined because of their love towards the workers. the human rights are violated in both the states and nobody to ask. if you buy a piece of land in kerala in which paddy is cultivated and if you want to construct a house over that land, politicians will not allow you until ad unless you have some close political leader in your pocket.nobody is interested to cultivate paddy in kerala because of non-availability of labour, unrest by politicians etc.during the sixties, they were shouting that we will sow ad we will harvest, but what happened?? similarly all big companies moved out of bengal due to labour unrest.so better not to follow anna hazare as it is not workable at all. what ever suggestion he makes to curb corruption will not work and can not be put into practice
jai annajai hind
From: Gopalakrishnan Palakizh <gkshn49@gmail.com>
To: Keralites <Keralites@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, 12 August 2011 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: [www.keralites.net] Anna Hazares message to the Nation for 15th and 16th August.Certain questions were raised by Mr. Abraham P.c. I could not understand what he meant by asking such questions.
First of all, Lokpal should not be compared with other Enquiry Commissions (as done by another member Mr Vishawajeet Sharma). Lokpal should be properly "teethed" and it should have judicial powers as that of a High Court. It should not have politicians as members. The findings of the Lokpal should be submitted to the President and the President can forward it to the Prime Minister or the Council of Ministers with his remarks. The "Executive" should not have a say on the findings of Lokpal. The government should be bound to obey it.
Of course, the President and the Supreme Court judges should not come under its purview. Since Indian President has got no executive powers, there is no question of committing malpractices. The Supreme Court judges are high in ethical values. Their mind set is not like of an ordinary human being. Whereas, the PM, Council of Ministers and MPs are all with ordinary mind sets, because we, the ordinary citizens, elected them from amongst us.The present Lokpal Bill has got no teeth at all. By presenting such a Bill, the government has made it as a mockery. The battle of ANNA HAZARE is against this. He is fighting for the justice. We all should stand on his side and support him. Long live ANNA HAZARE and his crusade against injustice.With regards,
On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 9:44 AM, padmanabhan puthukkattil madhavan <pmpadmanabhan@rediffmail.com> wrote:
Dear Mr. Abraham,
Do you expect PMs, like ,Indira Gandhi,Chandrashekhar,Narasimha Rao.......and Mr. Manmohan Singh very honest & upright in their activities? If not they should be treated according to their acts at the top of the nation. Do you have any other better method in your mind to set right the acts of the head of the nation? Pl. let us know. If not let Mr. Hazare and his team do what they feel appropriate.
With regards.PadmanabhanSent: Fri, 12 Aug 2011 06:12:02
To: Keralites<Keralites@YahooGroups.com>
Subject: Re: [www.keralites.net] Anna Hazares message to the Nation for 15th and 16th August.
Few questions to the Aanna Hazare Group.1. Who check the enquiry made against the PM or President before presenting it? If a Priminister is questioned, whether it is proved or not, the next minute the opposition will ask for resigination of PM.2. In the present situation, chances of enquiry will be few lakes. Who will handles it? NGOs? They are controlled by the government. Supreme Court Judges and High Court Judges? They are sitting over 1 Crore+ pending cases now. They may not be available to do this any more.3. After Anna Hazare, who can do the same work as he does it now?4. Is this not going to be a parallel setup against the Elected Government? Is it possible to have 2 Captions in the same ship? Will the ship reach any safe land?5. Why this group cannot stop the wrong persons grabbing positions or becoming ministers and stop the corrupt people in the system? It is the best to avoid poison in the milk than filtering the milk to remove the poison.DEAR FRIENDS,LET US MAKE A MOVE TO STOP THE WRONG AND CURREPT ENTERING IN TO SOCIAL WORK WITH MONEY & MAN POWER. ELECTION SHOULD BE FREE FROM BANNER OR ANY SUCH EXPENSIVE MEANS.A TRUE SOCIAL WORKER SHOULD DO THE WORK AND IF PROVED HE/SHE IS ELIGIBLE, PEOPLE SHOULD ELECT THEM WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE PARTY BANNER.
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