Tuesday, September 14, 2010

[www.keralites.net] Joining the Heart Walk (9/15/2010) -- In memory of my beloved music teacher Mrs. Vijaya Raman - Please Contribute if you can before end of today

Fun & Info @ Keralites.net
Hi all,

I am doing this in memory of my beloved music teacher Mrs. Vijaya Raman who
passed away last year due to heart disease. She was a wonderful lady (mother
like) and she was suffering for heart related complications for quite a few
years and finally passed away March 2009. She was born in September which is all
the more reason for me to do it tomorrow. I have a very ambitious goal and hope
you can help.

This year, I am participating in the American Heart Association's Bay Area
Start! Heart Walk. It's like a big party – we celebrate those who are survivors,
those who have pledged to live healthier lives, and those whose research has led
to amazing medical advances.
We celebrate the people whose generosity makes all
the research and medical advances possible. I'd like you to join the
My personal goal is to raise as much money as possible for the American Heart
Association, and I need your help to succeed! We are raising critical dollars
for heart disease and stroke research and education. 

You can help me reach my goal by making a tax deductible donation online. Click
on the link below and you will be taken to my personal donation page where you
can make a secure online credit card donation.
(The American Heart Association's
online fundraising website has a minimum donation amount of $25.00. If you
prefer to donate less, please mail a check directly to me, made payable to the
American Heart Association.)

Your donation will help fight our nation's No. 1 and No. 3 killers – heart
disease and stroke. Thank you for your support.

Follow This Linkto visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to
support American Heart Association - Bay Area, CA

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Bhagirathi Lakshmivarahan
Note: Please forward this to any friends/relatives whom you think will be able
to help. Thanks to all for the support.
Fun & Info @ Keralites.net


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