Assalamu Allaikkum Wa Rahmathullah Wa Barkatuhu
5 times prayers on prescribed timings have been enjoined by Allah on believers. The first question on the day of judgement (i.e. on Qayamat) would be about these prayers ! If your prayers are complete then success !! If NOT then shamefullness in front of God and the whole humanity who would be looking at you on the day of judgement.
Dear brothers & sisters be afraid of Allah that HE gave you all the benefits of this life including your good health and it is pity that you do not have time to stand & prostrate for HIM.
Following photos will definitely make you all understand that actually praying 5 times is very easy and people all over the world whom Allah has guided have been obeying Allah's commandments and Allah guides not them who are rebellious / arrogant. May Allah guides us to the right path as shown by HIM (in the Quraan) and explained by HIS last messenger Muhammed (in Hadith). Ameen.
remember me in u r dua
ali lazooooooooooooord |
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