Saturday, September 11, 2010

[] 15 Incredible Libraries Around the World

15 Incredible Libraries Around the World

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.
Moldova National Library - Photograph by Daniel Zollinger

These pillars of higher learning are also home to some of the world's most incredible architecture. Below is a small collection of stunning libraries around the globe. From the historical to the modern, these centres of knowledge and learning also preserve the history and culture of their respective periods. Personally, I would find it hard to concentrate in some of these places, they are too beautiful for the eye not to wander. More images after the break...

1. University Club Library - New York City, United States

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.
Photograph by Peter Bond

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.
Photograph by Peter Bond

2. Canadian Library of Parliament - Ottawa, Canada

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

Photograph by James Gillard

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.
Photograph by James Gillard

3. Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library - New Haven, Connecticut

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

Photograph by Lauren Manning

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.
Photograph by KAALpurush

4. Iowa State Capital Law Library - United States

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

Photograph by Tani Livengood

5. Suzzalo Library at the University of Washington - Seattle, Washington

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

Photograph by Sam

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.
Photograph by Sam

6. Admont Abbey Library - Austria

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

Photograph by Ognipensierovo

7. State Library - Victoria, Australia

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.
Photograph by Waltonics

8. Library at El Real Monasterio de El Escorial - Madrid, Spain

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

Photograph by Jose Maria Cuellar

9. José Vasconcelos Library - Mexico City, Mexico14

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

Photograph by Pedro Vasquez Colmenares

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

Photograph by Aurelio Asiain

10. Real Gabinete Português de Leitura - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

Photograph by Ruy Barbosa Pinto

11. National Library of Finland - Helsinki, Finland

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

Photograph by Marj-Liisa

12. Mitchell Library - Sydney, Australia

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

Photograph by Christopher Chan

13. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at University of Toronto - Toronto, Canada

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

Photograph by Fadi J

14. George Peabody Library - Baltimore, Maryland

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

Photograph by Danielle King

15. Strahov Theological Hall - Prague, Czech Republic

...Join Keralites, Have fun & be Informed.

Photograph by
Rafael Ferreira

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