Saturday, August 6, 2011

[] Merciful Lord, saved Mother Earth!


Photo courtesy: Oesha Sai
The merciful Lord, Bhagavan Baba
Saved the Mother Earth.
24th July 2011

...Sai Ram.
Today's front page news, deliberates the latest earthquake and the massive destruction it had caused in Norway. Since Bhagavan Baba was admitted in the hospital, reports of so many minor and major earth quakes are coming out, from various parts of this earth, almost 3 or 4 of them every week. I believe everyone is following this news in the media, regularly.

Long back, I had sent out a message in this matter, as received from Bhagavan Baba. Swami had vividly explained about the turmoil in the womb of Mother Earth (Bhoo Garbha) and how Bhagavan had, out of compassion and mercy towards the humanity had risked his own life. Swami had then declared that he had to absorb the effects of the massive after effects of Earth quake in Japan. Bhagavan had also said that it was Bhagavan who had minimized the unthinkable effects of nuclear radiation. In an interview, several years ago, Bhagavan had told Mr. R.K.Karanjia, Editor of "The Blitz' that this avatar had to come to save the globe from a nuclear holocaust. But for Bhagavan Baba, absorbing the Radioactive radiation emanating from the bursting of several Nuclear Reactors of Japan, one could not even imagine to what extend the disaster would have been.

The sacrifice of Bhagavan had made it possible for residents of this Mother Earth, to breathe free and live on.

Swami had mentioned that it is the greed of the people, which had made them to exploit the mineral and other petroleum resources, causing turmoil in the Bhoo garbha (the womb of Mother Earth).

When are the rulers in the world going to wake up and take note of the risk they are causing for the future generations of the earthly people? Will they start thinking and start planning to save the precious resources by judicious consumption?

We can only pray to our Lord, Sai to continue to protect the humanity.
Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavanthu!!

With Love & Regards,
"Mumbai" Srinivasan   

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