Monday, October 24, 2011

Re: [] Do you need God?


This is specially a reply to Mr.Binil

Dear Mr.Binil ,

I never misquote any of the statements from bible. You can search in the bible with clause which I had given after each statement. If you think that I misquoted any statements please clarify with the meaning & evidence. Let people know the fact.

What I shared is my point of view, after reading the bible regarding some of the quotes from bible. For that ,you don't need to increase your blood pressure if you think that your belief is correct,  rather the right way of replying is to clarify each statement one by one and not just blaming the person who said the facts ,or better not to reply.

What I wrote here is only just 5% of bad & rude statements which I found in Bible. There is balance 95% which I did not write and not planned to. As you said these types of statements are only in Old Testament I am writing here a quote from New Testament which is from Jesus. Think & analyze whether these are the words of divine & peace.

Do not think that I have come to bring peace to world. No I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. I came to set sons against their fathers, daughters against their mothers, daughter –in-law against mother in law. Your Worst enemies will be the members of your own family. (Mathews 10 – 34, 35)

The reason why I said "terrorists are better than the god mentioned in bible" is as follows:-

# The god said my anger will be directed to their destruction (Bible: Isaiah 10 -25)
Why the god is so angry always, like ordinary people? We always consider and say that god is merciful and filled with divine quality. Then why this god is always getting angry and directing his anger towards somebody whom he does not like?  Directing the anger for destruction?  Destruction is always a negative quality (as seen in terrorists), if it is not for the destruction of the evils. Here the destruction is to demonstrate the super power of god.

# Behold your god will come with vengeance (Isaiah 35- 4)
How can a good god always move with vengeance? Vengeance, anger, arrogance etc are the emotions and feelings of Satan. The threatening words are usually used by devils, burglars and thieves. Anyone good at heart will definitely talk good and sweet words. Never use the words with poison, like killing, destroying, revenging, and so on. Sweet words of guidance, blessings, guidance, motivating, appreciating are divine in nature. In Bible Jehovah mainly used threatening words. Let these words never be used for threatening the common poor people by the missionaries for spreading Christianity. We have seen thousands of missionaries using these threatening words of gods to create fear in the mind of the people and force them to embrace Christianity.
What I found is that the whole bible says if you believe in me (Jehovah/Jesus) I will give you good else I will destroy you by spreading plague, by cutting hand, by sending lion etc etc. God created fear in the mind of people for getting their salute. This is the terrorists' way; to kill a few people so that others will automatically be scared and start following and supporting the terrorist. God destroyed everything which did not consider him as god. So that all those who watches will be scared and will start doring and worshipping this god. Is this not terrorism of the modern world? God becoming jealous, cruel, egoistic, revengeful, angry, and so on not against the men doing the sins, but for not bowing their head before the god that too in the 21st century!

Understanding Spirituality is not believe without questioning and don't think that those who question are spiritually deaf, blind &dumb. People should think & analyze the statements from any of the books rationally, logically and scientifically and to take only good from that, accordingly should reject the bad too.
My intention is to read as much lines as possible from the holy book and inform the world that such instructions of the god should not be practiced. If people start literally following these messages of the god, in the 21st century, what would be the fate of the world?

Think it over again and again. Go through the holy book!
Have a Great Day
Thanks & Regards

From: binil thomas <>
To: Keralites <>
Sent: Sunday, 23 October 2011 7:22 AM
Subject: [] Do you need God?


Your comments about few quotes from Old Testament of Bible which is the story of Israelites who are selected by the Supreme Power to set an example to all Human beings. Old testament speaks about the holy and unholy things happened in relation to Isralites and gentiles around them. But Jesus Christ came to this world for the redemption of all people from their SINS , the people ever lived and going to live in this world till the Kingdom of God is established in this earth. The New Testament reveal about the Love of God to Man. God the Father so loved the people so that He has given His Begotten Son to us, by His Blood ( His Sacrifice) we are set free from Sins, for those who believe in Him. That is Gods Justice or righteousness. Prasad, think about this do you sacrifice your son for your enemy? How you call this Loving Father, a terrorist. One thing keep in your mind, we are just a creature, He is the Creator of this whole universe. We will be judged according our deeds and words. You have the choice to Believe or not, you have no choice to insult any bodys belief. Why you cannot understand spirituality, only because you are spiritually deaf, blind and dumb. So do not blame something if you do not understand. You can never see the Sun with a powerful torch, unless and until it shines by itself. Since you have BIBLE with you, read the following from Old testament itself, you will realize why you do not understand word of God.

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