-HDFC is a bank to be banned in India, Develop Houses & Finance by Cheating- even Draculas put to Starve!m develop their Stomach & Purse with sucking blood 24x7 .Govt.& political patronage at all Costs too.
--- On Fri, 30/7/10, raveendran nk <nk_raveendran@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
From: raveendran nk <nk_raveendran@yahoo.co.in> Subject: Re: [www.keralites.net] Re: CHEATING OF HDFC BANK To: Keralites@yahoogroups.com Date: Friday, 30 July, 2010, 11:27 AM
Hi friends, It is absolutely true the HDFC bank is number one cheat and with gundayism. their policies are their own and will cheat the people like anything.I am going to call an all kerala meeting inthis regard with all the same experienced people . I have already given complaint against this froad, gunda bank in Banking Ombudsman. With Regards, Ravi, Calicut
--- On Thu, 29/7/10, Abraham C <samabraham1944@ yahoo.co. uk> wrote:
From: Abraham C <samabraham1944@ yahoo.co. uk> Subject: [www.keralites. net] Re: CHEATING OF HDFC BANK To: "Keralites" <Keralites@YahooGrou ps.com> Date: Thursday, 29 July, 2010, 10:11 PM
As a matter of fact, I have a very bad experience with HDFC Credit card and still the dispute is going on. So I cannot say all their dealings are wrong. They are doing business not charity. Nationalized banks are economical but we know their service is not good. You think of justice. FD slip is an agreement. You are asking them to change. It is their mercy and not your right. Such things does not require public support. You know one thing if you lend money at a very cheap rate to your friend with the understanding of returning it to you soon after he get money, and if he has another loan with a higher interest rate, when he gets money whom he will pay first? You or the other? Think! Sorry if I hurt you. Sam P. Abraham --- In Keralites@yahoogrou ps.com, "Abraham C" <samabraham1944@ ...> wrote: > > My dear friend, > > I do not blame bank. If they give you you lose lot of money in interest. When the deposit is taken, the rates are fixed on the basis of duration. 3 months, 6 months 1 year 2 year like that. If the period is longer the interest is more. Bank run in specific terms with RBI and they have to follow. If the matter is urgent, you could take a loan against the deposit. Which save you both from problem. I am not a banker and I am a lay man. > > Abraham P.Chacko > > --- In Keralites@yahoogrou ps.com, "V. S. Sureshkumar" <vssureshkumar@> wrote: > > > > Gents., > > > > I have an NRI Savings Bank Account with HDFC Bank and also I had a Fixed Deposit amounting to Rs.1,00,000/ -.� The maturity date of my Fixed Deposit is 27th July 2010.� Since I had applied for pre-mature liquidation of my Fixed Deposit just 7 days before the maturity date, they are refusing to pay one year interest on my Deposit.� Is it justified? > > > > Further, as per RBI regulations, the banks are to pay interest on the Daily balance in the accounts.� However, HDFC Bank have their own policy tha > > > > Those friends who have account with HDFC Bank should make a note the way the Young Generation Banks are cheating their customers and making money for showing profits.� > > > > > > Best regards, > > Sureshkumar > > > > > > > > ============ ========= ==== > > http://keralites. net > > ============ ========= ====
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